Cricket - landslag menn
National Team Training for Guernsey
Date : 21st & 22nd April
Venue: MASK, Mortensrudhallen, Lofsrudveien 6, 1281 Oslo (Take the metro number 3 to Mortensrud - As you come off the Metro the entrance to the hall is on the right next to the shopping centre. Follow the walk way down the steps through into the sports complex)
Time: 10am to 3pm (Please report for registration at 9:30am as we will start promptly at 10am)
Content for the days:
- Fitness Testing (Endurance and Speed)
- Skills/Technique Training
- Player Evaluation & Feedback
Players invited must attend both days. These two days will help to build a better picture ahead of the tour to Guernsey so commitment is crucial. Please note that the Norwegian Cricket Federation is changing the landscape in regards to the National Teams set-up. As explained at the recent Players & Coach Meeting we are looking for players commitment to Training and there are major concerns that players are not attending and haven't attended. To give yourself the best chance for selection to Guernsey, attendance at Training is crucial...... No show, means no go! We are looking to create a professional environment and need the support of the players for this to be successful.
Please contact me on shaz.khan@cricketforbundet.no or 468 11 943 to confirm your attendance. If you can't attend for genuine reasons please let me know as well. If you do not communicate, I will assume you are not attending the Training Days. Any questions, please ask.
National Squad Training takes place on Fridays at the NCA from 6:30pm-8:30pm and I hope to see as many of you there as possible.
NOTE: National pool meeting wil take place June 11, 2019 at 18:00 - 19:30. Final informatio ahead of departure and distribution of tour clothing.